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william.m mania
By william.m
hi i am back with a new set a new region new series!
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from 1,421 players
from 1,216 players
from 1,206 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
Designed for Ricochet Infinity. This level set can only be played in Ricochet
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: Illusion - Motion Blur
2: Shield 2
3: luck and chance
4: 6 petals
5: my First Rock lava Round
6: Rube Goldberg Infinity
7: Good V Bad
8: Bonus round-Railball
9: Red V Grey
10: No frustration What So ever ^_^
11: Tricky Diamonds
12: the Fire Ball
13: lil auto play :P
14: Low Glider
15: Lil Autoplay 2
16: Pinball Master/Wizard
17: Illusion - Orbit Triangle
18: no frustration what so ever 2
19: Uh-oh Spaghettieohs! a TROJAN !!!
20: the indestructibles think the ball smells bad... they will move out of the way for you
21: Auto play Don't Touch Anything until the last brick (for 5 rings chance) ,,^..^,,
View notes
22: "UN"difficult castle
23: Movement Pyramid
24: Slide Door Houses
25: A Soft Ending...