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ben 3rd set
By ben
my next round set!! there are 10 more rounds than ussual! they are very hard so get all avaidable ions and get big on rings!! enjoy! look out for more roundsets from me!
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from 427 players
from 339 players
from 337 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
Designed for Ricochet Lost Worlds. This level set can be played in Ricochet Lost
Worlds, Ricochet Recharged and Ricochet Infinity.
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: get those ions!
2: golden relic
3: warping tower
4: rolling fish energy the game1
5: rolling fish energy the game2, firey jumps
6: rolling fish energy the game3, into the explosive heart
7: it's a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad level!!!
8: chess
9: only two bricks?this is a ring challange, not a level!!(accually, there are three bricks!)
10: starfish
11: krackatoa
12: mount evarest gone bad
13: deflector chaos
14: exploding head
15: mining for lava rechareged
16: little volcanic alien
17: rolling fish energy the game, level 5.
18: plus sighns
19: EMP
20: ring challange number 2
21: confusion tester
22: my little tree
23: can be completed, just use your brain!
24: balls balls balls
25: oh, my, goodness!!
26: racing reloaded
27: balls balls balls balls balls balls!!
28: warning, explosive matereal
29: big alien, little alien
30: i think i made this one a little too hard!
31: cattipillr
32: not more balls!
33: EMP time!!
34: the final ring puzzle, harder than any other, no one will complete it succsefully!
35: bye!