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Very easy levels I
By Lugunium
This set contains 25 levels extremely easy and fast for those who want to be the best at Ricochet Infinity. Nota Bene: If you find mistakes in my English; it's normal; I'm in fact French!
Number of rounds:
Date posted:
from 334 players
from 265 players
from 266 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
Designed for Ricochet Infinity. This level set can only be played in Ricochet
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: Cross
2: So easy...
3: Yeah, it's very easy...
4: Somewhere, there is a good Power-Up
5: The recall button is really useful...
6: Here too !
7: Easier !
8: Just one little step
9: One the way for another galaxy !
10: Try to find a hidden trigger...
11: Magic !!
12: Difficulty : kid
13: This is... boring
14: Nudges
15: Pyramids
16: The head in the stars
17: A training for the use of recall button
18: Easy, but the ball goes fast
19: A crazy box
20: He just wants a friend...
21: E-A-S-Y
22: B-A-L-L-S
23: Electric
24: Do you aim properly ?
25: Thank you for playing and I hope that this set has been helpful to you !