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Rebirth Part 2
By Steve
Just a few levels i put together in my spare time hope you enjoy them
Number of rounds:
Date posted:
Designed for Ricochet Infinity. This level set can only be played in Ricochet
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: Rotation
2: Loopy
3: Expander
4: No Recoil
5: Under Cover
6: Helpfull Trigger
7: Caged
8: Mechanical
9: Boxing
10: Diamond
11: Corners
12: Switch
13: From The Centre
14: Back And Forth
15: Protected Rings
16: Things May Change
17: One At A Time
18: Your Choice
19: Open Goal
20: Internal Destruction
21: Starfish Key
22: Ever Changing
23: Twisted
24: Basic
25: Over We Go
26: Compressed
27: Sliding Doors
28: Crunch
29: Pioneer
30: Just For Fun