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Pandemonic Adventure 4 (Forgotten Levels)
Screenshot of Pandemonic Adventure 4 (Forgotten Levels)

Pandemonic Adventure 1 has 5 Ricochet worlds and one Boss level per world. Pandemonic Adventure 2 has 5 other Ricochet worlds and Black Ring Challenges instead of Boss levels. Here; there are 5 Black Ring Challenges for the worlds from PA1 and 5 Boss levels from PA2; but there's more. Please read the instructions in the first level. Now; I'm aware that this is not perfect; but I hope you'll find it challenging and fun. If You have any questions at all; ask in the forums; I'll be happy to answer.

Number of rounds:
Date posted:
Overall grade
from 343 players
Gameplay grade
from 264 players
Visuals grade
from 255 players

Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.

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Designed for Ricochet Infinity. This level set can only be played in Ricochet Infinity.

You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.