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More Colorful Creations
By Becca
More of the same
Number of rounds:
Date posted:
from 1,568 players
from 1,339 players
from 1,328 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
Designed for Ricochet Lost Worlds. This level set can be played in Ricochet Lost
Worlds, Ricochet Recharged and Ricochet Infinity.
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: Green Eyes
2: Bafflegag
3: Go To Your Corner
4: Zograscope
5: Golden Center
6: Snollygoster
7: Starfish at Rest
8: Wobblegong
9: Ghostly
10: Habiliments
11: Move Over
12: Qualquaversal
13: Flippers
14: Galligaskins
15: Hagioscope
16: 4 Square
17: Fishy
18: Snickersnee
19: Blue Velvet
20: Absquatulate
21: Sparklers
22: Discombobulate
23: Circle in a Circle
24: Sacerdutophrenia
25: Get Out of the Way
26: Hadeharia
27: Going Home
28: Chlorochchrous
29: Orbital
30: Blatherskite
31: 5 Squares and a Circle
32: Nipperkin
33: Azuline Arches
34: Dactylioglyph
35: Mayan Fortress
36: Quadragintesimal
37: Kinda Shy
38: Yaffle
39: Folding Triangle
40: Xiphoid
41: Hallux
42: Triangular
43: Sabretache
44: Purpureal
45: Expander
46: Oojah
47: Changes
48: Adipocere
49: Wall of Starfish
50: Tatterdemalion
51: Halation
52: Traumaturge
53: Porphyrous
54: Dacrygelosis
55: Sabulous
56: Albicant
57: Ninnyhammer
58: Acid X
59: Caesious
60: Cramoisy
61: Gongoozler
62: The Wrecking Crew
63: Coccineoous
64: Panegyrize
65: Thanx for Playing