These rounds are super frustraing;but you'll expect help on almost every round.You see all rounds;except the first have 5 rings.On some rounds the rings are hard to get.And you receive on about three rounds a number of spheres.O;if you didn't collect the rings then you'll probably have to start from round 1It has about 6410 ion spheres.WARNING:It's almost like Alfs bad boy rounds;but I've put help on some rounds.SUPER WARNING:Round 2 has more than 2750 bricks;but don't panic;I've put help a lot there;too.I wouldn't recommend this set to no one;only if you try to it'll be super frustrating.Download if you dare;but better not;only if you assum your risks to play it.To all who download ths this set;enjoy1To all have fun.Leave a comment for me please;Reini.
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.