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Blasting levels 15
By Wormy
The first big set from blasting levels is here! New mode called "Brick war" will appear in 4 levels; new PU's ; and some levels have a twist! Comment on the forum whether you like this set or not. Enjoy!
Number of rounds:
Date posted:
from 302 players
from 234 players
from 233 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
Designed for Ricochet Infinity. This level set can only be played in Ricochet
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: A little strange start
2: It change!
3: Where the brick did go or did just change?
4: Get the green rings first
5: Colorific! (Color coded puzzle)
6: Don't trick me like that!
7: Huh? I cannot understand this.
8: To the left!
9: Ring puzzle
10: The nudgy way
11: Spin the wheel!
12: Crazy bricks
13: Split mode
14: Spike balls
15: Volcanic EARTHQUAKE!!!
16: Relapse mode
17: Colored gear
18: Rail storm is coming!
20: Find the true Rail storm PU!
21: Wheels
22: Another EARTHQUAKE!!!
23: Aftershock?!?
24: Complicating moves
25: The yellow light brick destroyer PU will help you!
26: More brick bash to come!
27: Similar to level 24 but more brick bashing!
28: Use lightning ball (since those bricks are crazy)
29: Rings are hard to reach
30: The rail autoplay
31: Let's use ball explosion
32: The gun rain returns!
33: The weird orbit
34: Move to the left and right
35: A little brick bashing before the PU
36: Danger!
37: Just few more
38: Volcanic rail way
39: The color code deflector top hitting
40: Rotating deflctors
41: Find the rings!
42: The final