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Allecnarf VI
By Allecnarf
Number of rounds:
Date posted:
from 852 players
from 709 players
from 703 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
Designed for Ricochet Lost Worlds. This level set can be played in Ricochet Lost
Worlds, Ricochet Recharged and Ricochet Infinity.
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: fire extinguisher
2: rings around the orbit
3: bright lights
4: golden ring
5: reaching out
6: flap
7: passing in the night
8: speeding
9: now you see them now you don't
10: moving orbits
11: strange sea creature
12: x rated
13: flower
14: yoga
15: musical instrument
16: quarter turn
17: sleepy blue eyes
18: yoyo
19: wedge
20: underwater golden arches
21: path x three
22: hidden rings
23: line rotation
24: tentacles
25: rush hour
26: meeting place
27: dive bomb
28: alien rainbow
29: starfish condo construction
30: volcanic life
31: big diamond
32: roll the dice
33: paper floating in the wind
34: kill the box
35: seesaw
36: concentric orbits
37: crossing paths
38: ring cozy
39: disappearing act
40: circle circle circle
41: come on in
42: basketball
43: path to nowhere
44: underwater escalator
45: zzzzzzzz
46: plastic surgery
47: home again
48: good aim helps
49: passing rings
50: search lights
51: flying a kite
52: alarm clock
53: optical illusion
54: square circles
55: organized chaos
56: criss cross
57: psycho paths
58: flip flop
59: double x
60: follow the leader