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Alfs thank you rounds.
By Alf
I have created this set a a tribute / thank-you; to all the people who gave comments for alfs first and second sets. The rounds are in alphabetical order; and no favouritism was given to any one round. I hope everyone enjoys this set; not just the people mentioned in it.
Number of rounds:
Date posted:
from 1,425 players
from 1,213 players
from 1,204 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.
Designed for Ricochet Lost Worlds. This level set can be played in Ricochet Lost
Worlds, Ricochet Recharged and Ricochet Infinity.
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info
1: Let's get started.
2: Allecnarf.
3: Clemclone.
4: Deliliah.
5: DizzyDee.
6: Figghiu.
7: Gbaiko.
8: Hannah.
9: Happysis.
10: Jan.
11: Kikiky4.
12: Koismith.
13: Nancy.
14: Mike E Hoff.
15: MsHollyBelle.
16: Northern Kat.
17: Plum Crazy.
18: Red dragon.
19: Snowbird.
20: T T Tornado.
21: RlwNUT.
22: Waylon.
23: Alf's message - 1.
24: Alf's message - 2.
25: Thanks for playing.