
These level sets include a great variety of levels. Some may have levels that are extremely difficult, some may finish themselves with no user interaction, and some may have dozens of rings on a single level.

Downloads and ratings are frozen in time and will not change.

Showing 4 level sets

Name Levels Downloads Date posted Ratings
Ricochet Lost Worlds logo

110 Custom Levels (110 rounds)

By Humanny, posted on

Screenshot of 110 Custom Levels

I just made these out of boredom. Will do Xtreme soon

110 N/A
Ricochet Lost Worlds logo

Humanny's Scraps (10 rounds)

By Humanny, posted on

Screenshot of Humanny's Scraps

A level set I made before the 110 customs. It only includes 10 out of the originally 30 as 20 of them were on 110 Custom Lost Worlds set.

10 N/A
Ricochet Infinity logo

14 Infinity Mixes (14 rounds)

By Humanny, posted on

Screenshot of 14 Infinity Mixes

14 levels from different environments you can play. (Requires environment mods)

14 N/A
Ricochet Infinity logo

The PodPeople Eye (10 rounds)

By Humanny, posted on

Screenshot of The PodPeople Eye

A small set of PodPeople levels, planning on doing Volcanic soon!

10 N/A